Installation Night

October 22nd, 2019

Wor. Bro. Greg Stewart has been installed as the Master of St. James Lodge No. 80 for the second time. The Lodge was Tyled at 5:30 pm in all three degrees to allow for the quick setup of the banquet room for the presentation of an excellent meal, prepared by Wor. Bro. Strang the incoming Junior Warden.

Wor. Bro. Strang had plenty of help in the preparation from various brethren and most importantly his gifted wife Debbie who cooked up three batches of her delicious Schwartz’s Hash Browns. Always a hit.

The meal consisted of Honey Smoked Ham, mixed vegetables, salad, dinner rolls and of course those Schwartz’s Hash Browns. I’m sure was enjoyed by the 40 plus brethren in attendance. At the conclusion of the dinner we headed up to the Lodge to begin the meeting and Installation of the Officers.

Newly Installed Wor. Bro. Greg Stewart and the Masters of the District.

The Installation went off without a hitch with Rt. Wor. Bro. Greg Way  Installing Master and Wor. Bro. Johnson Director Of Ceremonies. On a funny note, Wor. Bro. Stewart being installed in the East the brethren of St. James were lined up in the North to pass in procession before their Wor. Master. As they prepared to pass in the EA Degree under the direction of the Director of Ceremonies, Wor. Bro. Johnson, they were instructed to pass in procession before their Wor. Master, salute with the sign of an EA accompanied by the words…. Wor. Bro. Johnson, lost for the correct words, blurts out “I Adore You”. Well the lodge erupted in laughter. Wor. Bro. Johnson, turning beet read, corrected his mistake and squared the lodge stopping in the South with the rest of the brethren laughing and joking as they passed. The take away from this is two fold. Firstly it makes no difference how long you have been in the Craft, you’re going to make mistakes so get over it. Secondly if that mistake results in some honest laughter and fun in the lodge then it’s a win for the brethren and for the Craft in general.

The meeting concluded with the Charge to The Brethren once again, delivered by Rt. Wor. Bro. Greg Way. I would like to remind you all that Rt. Wor. Bro. Way travels for 5 hours from Lone Butte, BC every year to serve as the Installing Master for St. James Lodge and that we all owe him our gratitude for such commitment. Thanks also to all those who contribute to a most excellent evening.

The Lodge was closed by Rt. Wor. Bro. Brooke Whitelaw DDGM for District 23 and the brethren retired back downstairs for an hour of socializing.

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